I am excited to announce that I’ve been invited to perform an in-person reading (my first in three years!) from my new collection Shopping Cart Dreams. This live event will be at Woods Memorial Library in Tucson (3455 N. First Ave.) on Saturday, June 25, at 2 p.m. My reading will be 40-45 minutes, then open up for questions and book signing. Copies of my new book will be available for purchase.
For those of you who live in or near Tucson, having you there would mean a great deal to me. The event will be held in a large meeting room, with ample space for social distancing. Face masks are recommended though optional. Though I plan not to wear a mask while reading up front, I will be wearing one at my book signing table, and ask that anyone approaching the table also wear one (face masks will be supplied). Covid is part of the new reality we must all live with, and I want this to be a safe healthy event for everyone. Hope to see you on the 25th! Here’s the event listing:
And for those who can’t attend, please pass along this info to anyone you think might be interested. Lastly, here’s the link where you can purchase my book: https://kelsaybooks.com/products/shopping-cart-dreams
Congrats! Break a leg, Gene!