I will be leading a free workshop on “Demystifying Poetry” as part of my Writer in Residence for Pima County Public Library, on Wednesday, June 7, from 2-3:30 PM, at Dusenberry-River Library in Tucson.(https://pima.bibliocommons.com/events/64484d6d73e31d2900b46643)
Geared for a general audience of poets, poets-to-be, or those who simply wish to find out more about this deeply imaginative and emotional kind of writing full of meaning, sound, and rhythm. This will be less a reading and more of an open conversation. Followed by a short introductory sampling of my poems and those of others, I will discuss a life in poetry and demystify how poems come to be. We will then discuss several writing prompts to give you a way to write that important first line of your poem and go on to create a whole world. Writing materials will be provided, though of course you are welcome to bring your own notebook or journal.
I would love to attend your seminar but my wife has back to back doctors appointments on Wednesday afternoon and I’m the designated driver. I hope you have a good turnout.
Thanks, Richard. Sorry to take so long in getting back to you, but yes, it was a good turnout. Hope your wife’s appointments turned out good, too.Hope you can make it to my “PoetryMania” open mic on July 15 at 2 pm, part of the big MegaMania event at Pima Community College (see library website).
I cannot find any way to sign up or register for this workshop. Most of these things require registration in order to attend . I could just drive over to Dusenberry Library hoping they will let me in. But if not it is a waste of gasoline and time.
Sorry, Lou, but I didn’t get your message in time to tell you that the event didn’t require pre-registration. Hope you can make it to my “PoetryMania” open mic on July 15 at 2 pm, part of the big MegaMania event at Pima Community College (see library website).