The Burping Seal
A lone Tupperware with sky blue lid,
it lives on in my kitchen, a reminder
of all it once held—loving leftovers
of Mom’s greasy kugel or kielbasa,
mincemeat cookies, coleslaw or apple pie.
Its skin is worn soft from fifty years
of washing and handling. Back and forth
it went from her place to mine. I see
her sturdy hands placing morsels into its mouth
like a mother bird feeding its young.
The only piece of hers I still own, it is
a talisman of other days, though its lid
has long lost its patented burping seal.
But like a person, a product is
much more than a slogan.
A magic word
my brother
wanted to hear,
for now he says
I’m no longer
going to hell,
as if to
speak of
intangible things
made my
sinful body
transfigure into
pure spirit,
speaking in
First published in One Art: A Journal of Poetry https://oneartpoetry.com/2023/11/10/two-poems-by-gene-twaronite/
The first poem is an evocation of memory–a prosaic one,
but one most of us of a certain time & place can recall.
The second one is much more arcane–one can’t
but help to guess what that word might be! Could
be the basis of a long guessing game.